훼드럴웨이 중앙장로교회 EM 목사 청빙
- 작성자 : 웹섬김이
- 25-02-19 17:42
Federal Way Central Presbyterian Church (FWCPC) belongs to the Northwest Presbytery of the Korean Presbyterian Church in America (Kosin), and to the larger ecumenical body of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC).
FWCPC is a theologically reformed church whose gospel ministry in the city of Federal Way and the greater Puget Sound spans more than three decades. Committed to seeing lives transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, our mission is to love God and to love people as vibrant worshipers and visible disciples of Jesus Christ.
Our standard of faith and doctrinal commitments are as follows: The Westminster Confession of Faith; The Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms; The Apostle's and Nicene Creed.
- Full-time English Ministry and Youth Pastor.
- Preach weekly for both EM and Youth Lord’s Day worship services. Schedule and map series outline and share with worship team and EM leadership.
- Facilitate and teach weekly Bible studies for both EM and youth ministries.
- Work closely with EM leadership (steering committee) to plan, delegate and execute necessary administrative matters for the EM. “Work closely” includes the training and discipling of each core member to be effective leaders.
- Train and equip EM small group leaders and youth group teachers.
- Train and equip the worship team for each English as well as youth ministries.
- Facilitate and teach membership classes as well as baptism and confirmation classes.
- Keep open communication with the Senior Pastor.
- Provide oversight for the Sunday School department.
- Make readily available pastoral care (shepherding and counseling) to the congregation.
- Must be graduated from or currently enrolled in an accredited Reformed seminary.
- Subscribe to the Westminster Standards and possess sufficient knowledge of reformed theology.
- Must demonstrate the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 (i.e., to be above reproach, teachable and trustworthy).
- Commensurate according to experience.
- Personal Resume
- Philosophy of Ministry, 1-2pgs.
- Copy of Graduation Certificate (M.Div.) and Ordination Certificate
- Recordings of two most recent sermons
- Submit all documents via email to: fwcpcpastors@gmail.com
- For further inquiries contact pastor Taeyeon Kim at (253) 413-7504